Heritage Travel is on the Rise
The Situation
Based on Airbnb internal data, searches for heritage and ancestry travel were up 500% since 2014
The popularity of DNA testing kits like 23andMe is fueling traveler’s desires to connect with their heritage through travel
The Editorial Comms team want to create a campaign that would position us as the clear industry leader for heritage travel by promoting how people can plan end-to-end trips inspired by their roots
The 6 Essential Questions
WHY: Become the industry leader for heritage travel
WHO: Family travelers interested in their ancestry & DNA
WHERE: DNA Testing (23&Me), lifestyle press, Youtube, Instagram
WHEN: May-June 2019
WHAT: It’s easy to explore your heritage by booking homes and experiences on Airbnb. Plan your next heritage travel trip with Airbnb.
HOW: Partnership with 23&Me, YouTube & IG Video, Heritage Travel data & listing for press, satellite media tour
My Role
I executive produced this campaign, including all co-branded landing pages, social media, and video. I ensured that both brands were represented according to our guidelines and partnership.
I helped build 11 custom Airbnb landing pages that corresponded to the geographical regions found in a 23andMe DNA test. These pages displayed Airbnb listings in the countries that made up the region, plus some helpful copy setting the scene.
Working closely with the Editorial Comms Creative team, I oversaw our heritage travel inspired episode of “Check In to the Trend.” Host Ali Killam took a 23&Me DNA test, then took her dad on a heritage trip to the English countryside to explore their roots. We repurposed our footage and consumer survey information for a Satellite Media Tour featuring Ali and a spokesperson from 23&Me discussing the heritage travel trend and partnership.
The Results
Tens of thousands of people came to our Airbnb product pages and looked through listings & experiences
300+ press hits and 1,300 airings of the broadcast satellite media tour
300,000+ views on our Check-In to the Trend videos across social platforms
When tested, the videos significantly increased purchase consideration for Family Travelers