3 life lessons from saying goodbye to my beloved cat
Reflecting on my dear cat Indy’s passing two years ago, I've come to realize how much he taught me about life. Indy wasn't just my pet; he was my family, my companion, and my source of joy during a tumultuous period in my life.
Rewriting My Story: What the Paris Olympics Taught Me About Sports
How the experiences and people I encountered during the Olympics inspired me to embrace sports in a new way. Plus story prompts to help you think about your connection to sports!
Sharing stories to celebrate the superheroes in our lives
To celebrate Women’s History Month, our Storytime theme for March was Superheroes. We talked about all the female superheroes (real and imagined) that have made a difference in our lives. This is the story of why my mom is my superhero, and why we have matching ginkgo tattoos.