
You are the author of your story.

Want a space to reflect on the plot points in your life? Or maybe you’d like a thinking partner to get you past storyteller’s block. In these personalized sessions, we’ll work together to craft stories that you’re excited to tell.

Story Coaching

Are you looking to uplevel your storytelling? Do you have a specific storytelling scenario - like a speech or interview - you’re working on? Or are you going through a life transition and want to tap into your stories to help you shape your direction forward?

Story coaching is an intentional container where we will unlock the power of your stories and drive personal growth.

Through 1:1 conversations, journal prompts, and practice sessions, you’ll shape and share your most effective stories that will resonate with your audiences and advance your goals.

Coaching packages range from multi-session packages to work on a specific need to 3-6 month engagements for more in depth personal growth and mastery.

Tarot Coaching

Tarot is an incredible tool for unlocking our deeper intuition and guiding personal reflection. The archetypal stories featured on the 78-card tarot deck help us tap into our emotions and uncover knowledge that helps us move into the future with confidence.

Through a guided tarot reading, you will gain clarity by navigating the narratives in your life.

60-90 minute sessions include readings that use a tarot deck to ask deep questions for personal pep-talks and problem solving.

Surprise Me

Have something in mind that’s not listed here? I’d love to hear it!